Actually, cholesterol is also useful for the human body if it is within normal limits. Cholesterol is called High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) serves as a protective blood vessels of the process of atherosclerosis, namely plaque maker found on blood vessel walls.
Limit cholesterol to the normal threshold is at the size of 160-200mg. However, when cholesterol levels rise above 240mg, then this could be categorized as high cholesterol and can lead to heart disease or stroke.
Symptoms of High Cholesterol
Sometimes for some people to have high cholesterol levels do not show symptoms. Usually because of circumstances like this makes cholesterol levels before a person can not be controlled in the laboratory to check blood cholesterol content was then known on the verge of the normal range.
For some others, the symptoms of high cholesterol will be felt by the occurrence of various specific complaints, such as joint pain, feeling vertigo or migraines that often recur.
To ensure that cholesterol levels are in normal limits or even otherwise, then one of the best ways is to do a blood test performed in the laboratory. However normal cholesterol levels are not the same in every person. Factors that greatly affect the person's normal cholesterol levels, influenced by various conditions, such as age, disease history, and how big the risk factors they possess.
How to Lower Cholesterol Levels
Here are a few ways that can help you to lower cholesterol levels.
- Do not eat the yolk, just the whites.
- Breakfast with oatmeal.
- Drinking cow's milk without the fat.
- Stir-fry vegetables. Remember, do not eat vegetables cooked with coconut milk.
- Eat chicken or duck meat without skin, or select only rabbit meat.
Here are a few foods that should be avoided.
- Sausage, cheese and high fat milk.
- Butter and various fried. If there is, use olive oil or canola oil.
- Mussels, crabs, shrimp, snails, and eel, because of the high cholesterol content.
- Fatty meats, like beef lard and lard goats.
In addition to food should be avoided, there are foods that actually never eaten because of very high cholesterol content.
- Bovine brain.
- Egg yolk.
- Squid.
- Quail eggs.
Cholesterol can indeed be lowered by eating right and regular exercise on target to be achieved. Exercise is done to lower cholesterol is usually associated with cardio, such as aerobics, running or treadmill performed 3 to 5 times in one week. Another important thing is not smoking and not drinking alcohol.
Cholesterol Lowering Foods
There are some foods that can lower bad cholesterol or Low-Density Lipoproptein (LDL). The following types of foods that can lower cholesterol levels.
1. Nuts
Nuts are a source of soluble fiber is so high, in which soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol levels. Therefore, eating beans (chickpeas, kidney beans, and beans) with a routine for six weeks can reduce cholesterol as much as ten percent beans.
2. Avocado
Avocados are a source of unsaturated fats that can increase HDL levels. But unfortunately, avocados are high in calories and should be mixed with vegetables suppressor calories. An avocado with a medium-size has 300 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat. Meanwhile, the human body's normal requirements of 1,800 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat each day.
3. Salmon
Omega-3 acid content is in very good salmon and trigiserilda lower LDL and increase HDL. In addition, EPA and DHA contained in fish salmon is very good for heart health. The American Hearth Association recommend at least two servings per week to obtain maximum efficacy. In addition to salmon, other consumption that is also good, such as tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, and herring.
4. Garlic
Garlic is believed to contain many substances that are good for human health since thousands of years ago. The Ancient Egyptians used garlic to increase stamina. In modern times, garlic is used to lower cholesterol, protect the body from infections, prevents blood clots, and lowers blood pressure. Recent research shows that garlic can prevent cholesterol particles stuck to the walls of blood vessels.
5. Soybeans
Soy beans and processed products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy flour, in it contains isoflavones (a substance that can reduce LDL). However, tofu and tempeh may not be effective in lowering cholesterol when treated carelessly. For example, fried in cooking oil mixed with coconut milk or coconut milk and cooking oil as a source of saturated fat. Agency for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that to lower cholesterol, consume at least 25 grams of soy protein setaip day.
6. Cashew, Almonds, and Walnuts
Monounsaturated fat content is not the cashews, almonds, and walnuts, very good for heart health because it is low in fat. All three contain vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals which is closely linked to heart health. However, nuts are very high in protein, like avocado.
7. Margarine
Several types of margarine was able to reduce cholesterol levels, such as margarine from flower seed canola oil.
8. Spinach
Spinach is a vegetable that contains lutein, which is an important substance that can maintain healthy eye function and acuity. Lutein can maintain heart health because it is able to prevent grease build up in blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended to consume half a bowl of spinach every day to obtain maximum results.
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